

This is the last conjecture of Stephen Hawking. You need the singularity to exceed his theory. This is the the holographic no-boundary wave function.

(hij, φ) is the wave function, and S is the usual surface terms. Z is the Euclidean AdS/CFT.

The black birds move to the infinite on the surface without directions. Moreover, this is like a cylinder. Euclidean AdS/CFT generalized to complex relevant deformations implies an approximate realisation.

This is the mass deformed free model partition function, and m^2 is supergravity theories which typically contain scalars of mass.

This is the action of the free O(N) model, and O(N) is the partition function of supersymmetry breaking deformations.

You plot two one-dimensional slices of the distribution for two different values of ~m^2.



This conjecture strengthens the intuition that holographic cosmology implies a significant reduction of the multiverse to a much more limited set of possible universes.

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